Monday, April 5, 2010

We are in!!! (This post is not proofed...reader beware)

Easter Egg hunt
Nephews breaking in the new tub with a bubble bath

Mommy's Beautiful Blue Eyed Boy

My new vanity with special gift from one fabulous husband!!! Praise the Lord!!!! We are in our new home!!!! It's been the longest six months of transition, but it was all worth it. This is going to be a lengthy update due to the lack of postings for the last half year!!


  • He's one year old!!!! What a big boy!!!
  • My Cutie Petutie is a walker now! He's all over the place! Never stops.
  • He has learned the art of wooing women. He has them pick him up and he nuzzles into them. They absolutely love it! He's such a lover!
  • He is clapping, fighting with his sister and cousin Henry, stealing toys, pulling Evie's hair, pulling Cozy's hair, and he says "All Da" and yells noises at the ABC song.


  • She is two and a half now.
  • Her speech is growing leaps and bounds. She amazes me everyday!
  • She is really into me kissing her owies.
  • She loves church!!! Almost every morning she asks "Is it church day?"
  • She's going on the potty now and this is totally her idea. Once you read my update you'll understand why I haven't had the time, but when she asks to go, we go.


  • He has taken a break from school until we get settled into our new surroundings and routine.
  • He has been an amazing husband that gave me two amazing gifts that I'll share in my update.
  • Work is going really well. Almost his whole team showed up for our "Half-move Extravaganza

Let's see here....Do you know how therapists and life coaches suggest not to do too many life changes in one year??? Well, I've almost done them all! I'm such a glutton for punishment!

In the past year we've:

  • Been pregnant
  • Had our second child
  • Helped our first child enter the "terrible"...I'm mean "terrific two's"
  • Christian started school again.
  • Put our home on the market. Had it sit on the market for 110 days.
  • Moved into my father's house with two small children
  • Built our new home
  • Sold our home and did the first half-move day
  • Packed up my father's house and did the next half-move day
  • Now we live in a beautiful new home with the world's largest sandbox for the front yard. Evie loves playing in it, but I cannot wait for the grass.

Anyhow, that's it in a nutshell. The move went amazing! We have such great friends and family who live in town! Props to my sister who took my kiddos both move days.

"Loving the house" does not even begin to explain how awesome it feels! My favorite things are the Master bath (vanity & tub), double ovens, gas stove, side by side washer & dryer. I can actually cook again and it's a joy! My kiddos have their own bathroom, so I can leave all the bath toys in the tub! I'm sure I'll love the attached garage, but right now it's packed with stuff! Oh, and the master's beautiful! I have everything in one location! Our first guests are slotted for May and then a visit from our "Momma Sharon" in the summer.

Christian has done two really special things for me lately. (He does great things for me all the time, but these two we extra special). A few weeks before the move I was loosing it! I was so stressed and tired and I just needed a break with peace and quiet. He kicked me out of the house for 24 hours and sent me to a fabulous hotel & spa. I took a nap, had a Tai massage, watched a movie and ate room service in a king size bed. I had the whole bed to myself!! It was amazing!! It really gave me the extra "umph" that I needed to make it through the home stretch (no pun intended). The other fabulous thing he did was an amazing house warming present. You should see the picture posted, but it consisted of several lotions, bath care products, facial products, new makeup, tea, perfume, flowers, and "the softest robe that you will every feel in you life!" I have never had a vanity since we've been married and have always complained that I didn't have any wear to put my curling iron and hair dryer. Oh, and I've broken countless bottles of skincare products and eye shadows that would send me fuming!! Well, now since I have a vanity he wanted to enjoy the experience with all new stuff and let me tell you, "He did good!"

We just had my nephews here while my sister and her hubby had some R&R time in AZ. I'm so jealous! But we had a blast! I was rock star mom and Auntie to 5 kiddos!!! We went to the park, did "Movie Morning", did the "Hugest bubble bath in the world", and had one serious rock hunt in the front and backyard! It was really nice to get some quality time with my nephews! They are the most amazing boys!!! Hope they come to visit me soon!

Easter was super fun! We celebrated at my mom's house with an Easter egg hunt and an amazing meal. We also celebrated Edmund's 1st Birthday and my niece CC's 4th Birthday. I'll post baby eating 1st cake video later.

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