Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

Well, Christmas was a hit! We celebrated Christmas Eve with my sister and her family and my dad. I made a turkey and the works and it turned out very well. If I do say so myself. .. I haven't cooked a turkey in seven years so I was a little insecure making the whole meal, but years of watching my mom paid off!

Christmas day was celebrated at my mom's house. We ate cabbage rolls with mashed potatoes and then Cheesecake for dessert! Yum!

Evie has been enjoying all her new toys. I can't believe how quickly she learns to play with them!

A failed attempt at getting a "Papa w/ grandchildren picture"
George excited about one of his gifts
Make sure to watch the last two clips of the video below. Georgie is super excited about the first gift and then he got a duplicate gift and his reaction is priceless!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!

This will be my last update until after Christmas, so I wish everyone a joyous holiday filled with laughter and great fun!
"Cindy Lou Who"
I love this picture of Evie! It really shows you how big she's getting. One of her favorite past times is to pull all of her books down and start ripping the pages.
Evie and Cozy are great playmates! Cozy sees the benefits of another family member...someone who will play with her anytime she wants, someone who continually throws steak, spaghetti, and fruit on the floor for her to eat! Cozy has it good again!
Cute new snowsuit someone from my mom's group gave me! What a blessing!
Evie is growing like a weed!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My husband is rubbing off on me! Hilarious Video of Evie!

Evie is always wanting to eat and drink whatever I am eating and drinking. So the other day I was drinking some seltzer water and she wanted it. This is the reaction I got!

I say that my husband is rubbing off on me because he truly enjoys laughing at other people's expense. I felt I enjoyed this a little too much!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Fun

We had a small Christmas party at our house on Saturday and it was so much fun!!! We ate and ate and played "Catch Phrase" and "Mad Gab". Lots of fun and I highly suggest both games for larger group games.
Evie spent the night at Papa's house and did amazing! She loves her Papa!

Friday, December 5, 2008

General Update

Evie is so BIG! She is changing daily! She says "Hello" on the phone. Well, only when people aren't on the other end. She's taken several 3-4 steps at a time. She's climbing up everything! I thought my house was baby proofed, but it definitely is not toddler proofed!
Thanksgiving was great! We had a very nice time up at the cabin. Evie is now being continually attacked by her 18 month old cousin Henry. Henry has two older brothers who have abused him (in a loving brotherly way...), so I think he likes being able to have the upper hand on someone. It gives him a little control back. Evie doesn't know what to do when he tackles her. She's taken the hits very well, so I have a little momma pride in that she can take a 32 lb toddler laying on top of her.
We are almost ready for Christmas. The decoration are up and we just have a few presents to buy.
This weekend Evie is spending her first overnight at Papa's house. I'm sure it will be a blast for both of them!