Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wow! Where to begin.....We've had two celebrations for Evie's birthday so far. She's gone on her first roller coaster and Merry Go Round at the MOA and she loved it!!! Daddy is training her well!

She is starting to laugh with, tickle, and play with Edmund a lot more these days. I so look forward to the day when they can really play together.Evie had her two year old well visit and they have projected her final height to be around 5'10". Wow! The Wharton gene is definitely more dominate in her. At this rate I'm going to be the shorty of the family at 5'5".

Edmund is so crazy cute! He is a sitter and an expert roller now. He can get up on all fours and rock back and forth. It won't be long now before he's efficient mobile. I don't think I'm ready for that, but I don't think I ever will be.He had his 6 month well visit and he's 96% in height and 80% in weight. This baby is one strong boy! I could barely keep him on the examining table. The doctor called him a "Brute", but I like what my mom calls him "A While Man".

That's all for now. I'll post more next week! Enjoy the video montage! I put it together really quick!

Monday, October 5, 2009

We're Moving!

Here is the site of our future home. We are so excited! We weren't necessarily planning on moving yet, but things just kind of started rolling and the momentum carried us to bite the bullet and build. Right now our current home is on the market and our new home should be ready to move in sometime in March. So if you know anyone who wants to by a starter home and utilize the 8K tax rebate for first time home buyers, send them my way!
So if you've been wondering about the lack of updates...this is why. We've picked a lot, style of home, interior elements, and exterior colors and in addition to that we've been getting our home up to par for showings. Please believe God with us for the right buyer to come along in a timely manner.
Other good news on the home front is that Stacy (my SIL/Christian's sister) had a beautiful baby girl (Jayde) on Saturday, Oct 3rd. I cannot wait to see pictures! She almost shared a birthday with her cousin Evie!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Evie is Two today!!!

Happy Birthday to the precious gift that came into this world two years ago! Evie girl you are such a sweet and spunky blessing from God! Your dad and I are honored to be your parents and rejoice in every milestone you reach! Keep shooting for the stars!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Remembering the days....

I remember when I was so excited to hear Evie talk that I thought the word "No" was so cute. Well, those days have passed!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September Update

Beautiful Boy!My Sweet Little Girl!!
Even though my kids are not in school, I still have this urge to go school shopping. I feel like they need five new outfits, footed jammies, and lots of books. Maybe it's the cool nights, or it could just be good marketing by Target and Kohl's.
Our new routine is kicking off next week. We'll have HomeMaker's on Tuesdays! PTL!!! ECFE on Thursdays and hopefully a few workouts the other days.
Evie is a spit-fire! I went to Barnes and Nobles tonight and was looking in the parenting section. They have about 200 books on "Spirited" and "Strong Willed" children.
Here are some of the titles:
"The Strong Willed Child", "Toddlers Who Run the Show", "Time Out for the Aggressive Toddler", "Weathering the Toddler Storm", "You Can't Make Me"
I just laughed at the abundance. I didn't see any titles that said "How to deal with your phlegmatic child" or "What to do if your child is the life of the party". Anyways, Evie is doing great! Testing the boundaries like crazy, but I wouldn't change her for the world! She's so awesome!
Edmund is so strong and getting so big! I can't get over how physical he is already! He's a great sleeper at night and okay for naps. He is eating a ton! We might start cereal soon. He is my angel baby!
Christian just had a two week break from school and it was awesome! He will be done next August, so only one more year to go!
My B-day was fabulous!!! Thanks Honey! I slept in, went to Starbucks for my favorite latte and book reading, then shopping for kiddos' school clothes and home to celebrate with friends and a fabulous Chocolate Coke Cake that Christian made for me. It was a great day!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Two Going on Twelve

I thought they didn't start slamming doors until adolescence?! Evie's on a roll lately! Good thing Evie's so stinking cute!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's my Birthday Month People!!!

Only 3 days till my birthday, but I'll give you the whole month of September to offer gifts, calls, and cards to celebrate this most wonderful day of the year! I know no one has forgotten, right???

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Edmund's 4 Month Stats

Weight: 15lbs 9.5 oz/ 70%

Length: 26.25"/ 90%

Head: 16.75 / 55%

He's getting so big! He's a roller now! I'll try and get some footage and post soon.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Video Update

Summer Pictures (Computer Works again)

These are our great friends David & Mindy. They babysat Evie & Edmund while we attended the "One Man Minneapolis" contest that my BIL won! Henry at the cabin

Yea!!! Our computer is up and running again! Thanks Honey!
Here's a quick update:
  • Evie is talking more and more each day. I cannot wait until she can communicate everything she desires! We both get frustrated right now.
  • Edmund is reaching for toys and giggling. He has rolled over once or twice, but more by accident.
  • Christian has a tough class right now, but he's enjoying it. He'll get a two week break the end of August and we have a couple of friends visiting us from Oklahoma.
  • I'm down 12.4lbs so far. I make it to the gym a couple of times a week, but I'd like to go more. I need to loose another 5lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight for Edmund and then another 10 after that to for Evie. I'll get there sooner or later.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Great Definition for Evie's Personality Type

Spirited Toddler

The Spirited Toddler is extremely active physically, often willful, and may be prone to temper tantrums. They are very social and curious and will point to objects and reach out for them and for other kids early on. This child is the consummate adventurer; they will have a go at anything and is very determined. They display a great sense of achievement when she accomplishes something. At the same time, they need very clear boundaries so that they don't act like a steamroller, trampling anyone or anything in their path. Once they start crying, Spirited Toddlers have stamina and staying power, so you're in for a long haul if you don't have a good routine going. Given good guidance and an outlet for their energy, however, a Spirited Toddler can become a leader and very accomplished in whatever area interests them.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

LIfe is Busy!!!

Well, we made it up to the cabin on the 4th and it was fun, but a lot of work!!! Two kids under two at a cabin isn't the most relaxing vacation. Evie loves the water, but doesn't want to leave it! So therefore, there was several episodes of me taking a kicking, screaming toddler out of the water to eat her lunch or take a nap. She is a determined little one, which is an amazing quality, but she's starting to wear her momma very thin. I think that's her objective some days. Anyone want to babysit???

Edmund is as cute as can be right now. It's hard to believe that he'll hit that toddler stage some day. I'm soaking in all the smiles and giggles I can! He is so sweet and super happy!

I'm starting to loose the pregnancy weight. PTL! I'm down about 8lbs, but still can't tell much in my clothes. I started Weight Watchers about a month ago and am loving it! It's a really neat program and has amazing accountability, which I totally need! No deceiving myself. If I didn't loose weight one week, I know exactly why...

No pictures today. Having computer issues again. I'd get after my IT guy to fix it, but he's been working really hard lately and sleep is a higher priority than pictures and my need to FaceBook. Hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

E & E's New Stats!

Edmund's 2 Month Stats:
Weight 12lbs 10oz/ 75%
Length 24 in/ 85 %
Head 15.75"/ 50%
Evie's 18 Month Stats:
Weight 26lbs 7oz/ 70%
Length 34.5"/ 95%
Head 18.5/50%
Edmund's New Friends
(Finn 6 mo, Lydia 4 mo, Edmund 2 mo's)

Evie checking out the baby toys again!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

3rd Week in May

Big News! My MIL is coming to visit for two weeks today! We are super excited for her to come! It will be so nice to have some grown-up conversation during the day. Yea!

Evie is talking up a storm! These are her words so far: Papa, Dada, Mama, Bible, Turtle, GO, Diaper, Boohba, Cheese, Elmo, Cracker, and Cookie.
Here's a short clip of her saying "Bible"

Edmund is awake so much more these days. He is as sweet as can be!!! I can't handle how cute he is!!! He is cooing and smiling several times a day. Edmund Prasing the Lord in his SleepEvie feeding her babyEvie tasting her baby

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Two Cutie Petuties!!! Dancing Toddlers

  • Edmund gave me the first "official" smile the other day. Well, if he's not going to look like me at least I can take solace in the fact that I'm definitely his favorite right now! He is sleeping like a champ. God knows what I can handle and Edmund is exactly what I needed in a newborn right now!
  • Evie is learning like crazy! We cannot get over how smart she is. She loves to play with cousin Henry!
  • We had our NINE year anniversary last week. I cannot get over how long we've been together! We made it out to a restaurant with Baby Edmund. He slept most of the time, so it was a nice evening out of the house.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

First Eleven Days

Eating Easter Candy with Cousin CC
Skinny "Old Man" Legs
Well, it's so much easier doing this the second time around. Edmund is proving to be a pretty mellow guy so far. Hopefully that continues, but if not that's okay too. He's so sweet and Evie is having some challenges sharing mom and dad. We are giving her lots of love, but it's still proving to be difficult for her. I feel like I betrayed her sometimes by having Edmund, but I know she will be so happy having a little brother to play with six months from now. Keep her in your prayers.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Edmund's Birth Story

Evie isn't too interested in her little brother yet.

(This may be TMI for some of you men out there, so continue reading at your own risk.)

On Wednesday, April 2nd I had my 39 week midwife appointment. They checked me and I was dilated to a 3/4 and 80% effaced. My midwife said that this baby should be here before the end of the weekend. I was super excited to hear the news because I was so uncomfortable and the suspense of meeting my new boy was driving me crazy! As soon as I left the office I started contracting and went into early labor. I continued laboring for about 8 hours, but never transitioned into active labor. Then my labor totally stopped for three hours and started again around 2 am. Ughhhh!!! It was so frustrating! The contractions were strong enough that I couldn't sleep, so I only rested for about two hours that night.

The whole next day was scattered with sporadic contractions, so we decided to go in and see if anything changed. Nothing had changed, but I was totally starting to loose it emotionally and they gave us the option to induce. We decided to go home and get some rest and come back in on Friday morning for induction. My first l & d was extremely long and (IMO) a little traumatic, so I was very concerned that I would have a similar experience with baby boy due to the exhaustion I was already experiencing. They gave me a sleeping pill and I got about 7 hours of sleep that night and then we went to the hospital around 7 am.

I was started on pitocin around 9 am and things really didn't get going until around noon. At about 4pm they checked me and she said I was dilated to a 9 and I couldn't believe it!!! "Who me?" I was absolutely floored that I was almost there! She broke my water and we started delivery around 5:10 pm and about 30 mins later little Edmund was in my arms!!!
I was so blessed to have such a wonderful birth experience. God is so good! In spite all my doubts and fears, He gave me great memories to look back on and a beautiful, healthy and precious son! I am so BLESSED!!!