Tuesday, May 19, 2009

3rd Week in May

Big News! My MIL is coming to visit for two weeks today! We are super excited for her to come! It will be so nice to have some grown-up conversation during the day. Yea!

Evie is talking up a storm! These are her words so far: Papa, Dada, Mama, Bible, Turtle, GO, Diaper, Boohba, Cheese, Elmo, Cracker, and Cookie.
Here's a short clip of her saying "Bible"

Edmund is awake so much more these days. He is as sweet as can be!!! I can't handle how cute he is!!! He is cooing and smiling several times a day. Edmund Prasing the Lord in his SleepEvie feeding her babyEvie tasting her baby

1 comment:

The Elwells' Weekly said...

I love the pictures! Especially Edmond praising Jesus! Too cute!