Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ultimate Bedhead

Evie is doing great now! We had a rough week last week. Two more teeth broke through and she was not a happy camper! She has a total of six teeth and I have a feeling there are a couple more trying to make their way out. She's doing a lot of unassisted standing and pushes her walker all over the place.

Baby Boy is kicking a ton lately. Just tonight he was moving and it felt like someone punched me in the stomach! He's already a strong little one! I can't wait to meet him!

Plans for Thanksgiving are to go to my mom's cabin for two days and then have a relaxing weekend at home. Maybe we can get the Christmas lights up..... Hope everyone has a BLESSED Thanksgiving! Don't eat too much turkey..


Danielle said...

That is quite the bedhead! She's definetely her mother's daughter.

sharonwharton said...

This child is truly her father's child! She is a dare devil at heart!!