Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Weekend Pics

Well it was my little or should I say young (There's nothing little about this boy) nephew's B-day this weekend. Happy B-day Henry! Evie got to experience over-stimulation and pizza crust for the 1st time! Enjoy the pics and video. Evie really enjoyed hanging with her cousin Collette. They are 18 months apart and you can see that a friendship is already starting to form. Evie really enjoys watching Collette!
Silly Nephews
Evie & Pizza Crust
Evie & Collette
Mommy & Evie

Pizza Crust, Collette taking care of Evie

Henry invading Evie's space (notice that he could care less that she's upset and he just wants that cheerio)

General Footage of B-day Party


Danielle said...

Nice pictures and Video! Hey, you have to tell me how you edit those together.

sharonwharton said...

Ali and I laughed ourselves silly over Evie, Henery and the Cheereos!! What great pictures!! Whish I could have been there!!

Katie said...

It will be so much fun to watch Evie and Colette play together as they grow up. Henry looks so much bigger, now that I see him next to his cousin Evie!