Tuesday, February 12, 2008

4 Month Check Up: She's a long one!

We just got back from Evie's 4 month Doctor's appt and she's doing great! Shots went better this time. She cried for maybe two minutes and then she realized life is good again. What a Sweetie Pie! She is super long! Maybe she truly has the tall Wharton gene that skipped Christian. Christian's dad and Grandpa were both over 6' 3" tall.

Here's her stats:

  • Weight 14.6 lbs/ 75%
  • Length 26"/ 97%
  • Head 16.25/55%

She's been going through a growth spurt the past three days and waking up several times a night to eat. I hope this is over soon. It's so hard to go back to sleepless nights. I know I'll survive....it's just a season, right?

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