Which one of these two are no longer a high maintenance sleeper?
So if you have been following this blog for a few months now, you should know that Evie has been a high maintenance sleeper. It started as an infant when she had to be moving continually. She loved her bouncy chair and swing. Then she loved being swaddle. Oh, and then how can we forget the CD of running water and finally at last resort the vacuum cleaner running on high. These were all aids that we used to help her to get and stay asleep. Sometimes we'd use a combination of them and other times we'd use all of them just so everyone could get some sleep.
Well, I'm pleased to say that Evie is no longer a high maintenance sleeper. First we broke her of the vacuum cleaner (Our electric bills we too high). Then we broke her cold turkey from sleeping in the swing (This was not as hard as we though it would be). Next it was the CD of running water (We just replaced this with a fan). Finally, breaking her of the swaddle was probably the most difficult. We tried about a month ago, but she would continually wake up and cry, so for the sake of all of our sleep we kept swaddling her. Then last week I started putting her down for her naps without being swaddle and just handed the swaddle to her so she could hold onto it. This worked perfectly. She took several 2-3 hour naps, so last night was the first night where she was totally unswaddle and she slept straight thru till 8 AM!
Her only vice would be the fan, but I think that's an acceptable form of sleep aid. Especially since she goes to bed so early, it muffles the noise we make while we are still up. She actually has less sleep aids than Christian and I.
My husband is a high maintenance sleeper and I'm trying to not let that go to the next generation of Wharton's. Hooray for Evie! Now, let's see how she does sleeping at the cabin next weekend!