Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Evie's getting SOOOOOO Big!

All is well at the Wharton household

We seeded our front and backyard this weekend and hopefully it will take this time. We seeded last fall and not much happened. I can't wait to paint our gutters and doors! Our house still feels unfinished since we got the siding replaced.

Our 8 month Anniversary is coming up on Monday! I can't believe 8 years has gone by! We're celebrating this weekend with Evie possibly doing an overnight at Grandma's house. We'll see if that happens or not. Also on the 28th, Happy Anniversary to my Great friend Angie and Happy B-day to my Step-dad Dick!

I can't believe I'm sharing an "Au Natural" picture of myself (at least I'm showered), but this little Cutie Pie is looking more and more like her daddy everyday!

Evie is talking more than ever and watching her explore things is so entertaining. She is a curious little one! We've made it through the recent night wakings with her. It was a couple of rough evenings of letting her CIO, but we all are sleeping much better because of it. She also is going to bed about an hour earlier each night and still sleeps until 7/7:30 each morning. Ahhhhh....A well rested baby is a happy baby.....which leads to a happy mommy.

Hope everyone is having an awesome week! The season is starting to brighten up here in MN!

Clip of the Day!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Christian's B-day and Evie's 6 month stats

Yesterday we celebrated Christian's B-day and Evie had her 6 month check up.

The "Day of Chris" was quite different this year. Normally, on either of our B-days we get to do whatever the B-day person wants, but with Evie things have changed. Now the B-day person gets to have a responsibility free day. No taking care of baby, cleaning, cooking, driving, etc...

So Christian took off work and he got to sleep in, go out to Breakfast with his beautiful family and FIL, took a 2 hour nap, played Latter Loop with his wife, and finally went out to a movie and dinner with his beautiful wife while FIL watched baby. All-in-all I think he had a pretty nice B-day.

I got to take Evie in for her 6 month check-up and she did awesome! She took her shots very well and only cried for about a minute and then proceeded to talk about the injustice of the shots. At least she was speaking about something with a lot of conviction! She's too cute! Doctor was very happy with her development. A+ for Evie on her 6 month report card.

Here are her stats:

  • Weight 16lbs 4oz (60%)
  • Length 28 inches (off the charts, she is the length of an average 10 month old) She's a long one!
  • Head 17 inches (75%)

Clip of the Day!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Evie Sitting Up!

I don't have too much to post right now, but just wanted to share a few pictures!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's official....she's a sitter!!

Evie's official date for sitting unassisted is last Thursday, March 27th. She loves to sit, but she's experienced a couple of bumps because she's not mastered the skill yet. It's amazing how much she is changing! I absolutely adore her personality! She's talking more and more and unfortunately she loves to say "Da Da DA....Da Da Da DA......." all the time.

I've come to the conclusion that way back when women were more submissive, a man took the name "Dada/Dad" because that is one of the first sounds a baby makes. I mean come on!! Mother's have "Mom or Mama" but Father's have "Dad or Dada". Where did that come from? "Dada" is not a derivative of "Father"!!! As you can tell this bothers me! Moving on....

We hung out with Grandma Rene yesterday. We did some errands and went out to lunch. Evie loves Grandma Rene!!!

We don't have other children to entertain Evie, but "Thank God" we have Cozy!! Evie adores Cozy!!!