So we've been a little busy and that really is no excuse. My big excuse is I misplaced my camera battery charger and therefore no new pics/video to post, but it's found now and I just need to get back in the habit of taking pictures.
Here's a quick run down of our summer so far.
* MIL was here for two super fun weeks. Can't wait to see her for Christmas!!
* Evie is in a "Big Girl Bed". Ahhhhh....My heart just melts writing this. She is such a sweet, spirited little girl. She has transitioned beautifully. Sometimes she doesn't take a nap and I can hear her bouncy around, but she has not come out of her room.
* Edmund had his 15 month appt. He's 70% in weight and 95% in height. He is starting to exert his will a lot. 'How dare you take away my toy!!!', while feet are stomping in a circle and then the infamous dead weight fall to the ground. Y'all know the one I'm talking about....the one where you could end up in Urgent Care because they take no consideration of the hard corners of furniture around them.
* Just had my sweet nephews for 4 days. Lots of fun and interesting sleeping arrangements.
* I did a Bible Study over the past two months with five amazing women. We studied the book of "Ruth" and let me tell you I have fallen in love with the woman! She is amazing!!! Here's the link to the resource we used. You can do the study on your own as well. It's not as much fun as making time for "girl talk" but it's still really good.
I'll post some pics soon!